
Common Causes of Plantar Fasciitis

The plantar fascia is a ligament that runs across the bottom of your foot, due to a number of causes it can become inflamed and become painful, leading to a condition known as plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis can seriously interfere with your everyday activities and can become a chronic issue for most people, it's why it's important to seek help from your local Pismo Beach and Santa Maria, CA, podiatrists, Dr. Steve Clark, Dr. Brian O'Carroll, and Dr. Byron Collier of Five Cities Foot and Ankle.

Understanding the Condition

Plantar fasciitis can cause heel pain as well as pain in the arch of your foot, but what most characterizes the condition is that you will typically feel the symptoms as being more severe upon waking in the morning, or after sitting for a period of time. Walking around can sometimes temporarily diminish the pain, but it is sure to return.

Improper Footwear

If you have a job that involves a lot of walking, especially over hard flat surfaces, you may encounter the condition if you do not wear shoes that properly support your feet. Bad shoes can affect you even if you don't spend most of your day on your feet.

Being Overweight

Carrying extra weight can also contribute to the condition due to the extra pounds your feet are forced to carry around, which can cause your plantar fascia to become distressed.

Low Arches

With all the mention of necessary support and of carrying extra weight, what can be a good indication as to whether you may develop plantar fasciitis is the condition of the arches of your feet. Low arches, or flat feet, can mean that your feet are not properly supported and all that pressure is transferred directly to your plantar fascia.

Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis in Pismo Beach and Santa Maria, CA

Your podiatrist can prescribe custom orthotics to provide your feet with the support they require, night splints can stretch your fascia overnight to provide relief, often along with physical therapy. There are different ways your doctor can help treat your plantar fasciitis, but only very few patients may be suggested surgery to treat the condition.

If you are looking for relief for your plantar fasciitis you can schedule a consultation in Pismo Beach and Santa Maria, CA, with Dr. Clark, Dr. O'Carroll, and Dr. Collier of Five Cities Foot and Ankle by dialing (805) 481-9100.

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