
Diabetic Wound Care FAQs

How your podiatrists in Pismo Beach, CA, can help your feet when you have diabetes.

If you have diabetes, you already know how it can affect your body, but did you know that it is also very hard on your feet? The changes to your immune system can cause a small blister or cut to turn into a large, painful open wound on your foot. Your podiatrist is an expert at diabetic wound care and can help heal your feet.

Drs. Steve Clark, Brian O’Carroll, and Byron Collier at Five Cities Foot & Ankle in Pismo Beach, CA, provide a wide range of podiatry services, including wound care treatment for diabetic feet.

If you have diabetes, you probably have some questions about how to take care of your feet. These are just a few of the frequently asked questions and answers about diabetic wound care:

What happens to my feet when I have diabetes?

Your nervous system is affected, which means that if you injure your feet or toes, you may not feel it. Your circulatory system is also affected, which means you may have inadequate blood flow to your feet and toes. This may eventually result in amputations. Lastly, your immune system is affected, which means your ability to heal is impaired. A simple cut or blister can turn into a large wound.

How do I take care of my feet when I have diabetes?

You need to:

  • Wash your feet using warm water and mild soap every day
  • Apply moisturizing cream every day to keep your skin from cracking
  • Check your feet with a hand mirror every day, looking for any small cuts or blisters

If you do find any injuries to your feet or toes, you need to apply antibiotic cream to the area and cover it with a bandage. Avoid going barefoot to protect your feet and toes.

How can my podiatrist help if I have a diabetic wound?

Your podiatrist may recommend:

  • Oral or topical antibiotics to eliminate infection
  • Topical medications to reduce wound pain
  • Bandaging your wound to help it heal
  • Assistive devices like crutches to help you walk

To find out more about diabetic wound care and how your podiatrist can help, call Drs. Steve Clark, Brian O’Carroll, and Byron Collier at Five Cities Foot & Ankle in Pismo Beach, CA. You can reach them in the office by calling (805) 481-9100, so call now.

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