
Treating Your Bunion Pain

Dealing with regular bunion pain? Find out the best way to alleviate discomfort. 

A bunion is a common foot deformity that usually gets worse over time. This is why early detection and intervention are crucial for slowing its progression. While more advanced and serious bunions may require surgery our Pismo Beach and Santa Maria, CA, podiatrists Dr. Steve Clark, Dr. Brian O’Carroll and Dr. Byron Collier can also recommend a wide range of nonsurgical treatment options to manage your bunion pain.

Conservative treatment is aimed at treating any and all symptoms you are experiencing, whether it’s pain, stiffness, limited mobility or swelling. While nonsurgical treatment will not be able to shift the bone back into alignment it can address the symptoms that result. Here are some things you can do now to reduce bunion pain,

Stay away from heels 

Wearing heels regularly may be why you’re dealing with a painful bunion now. While there is still a lot of debate about whether or not heels cause bunions it is true that high heels can put more pressure on the big toe’s joint, which can make a bunion worse. Make sure that if you’re going to wear heels that they are at or below 2 inches.

Wear sensible shoes 

Along with avoiding high heels, it’s also best to shop for new shoes that will provide better support for your feet. This means going shoe shopping at the proper time of day to make sure you get the most accurate measurement. Feet swell throughout the day, so they are at their biggest in the afternoon and evening. This is the best time to try shoes on.

Consider arch support 

Many people with flat feet end up developing bunions. To prevent the pains and problems that result from flat feet our foot doctors may recommend getting custom orthotics, or shoe inserts. These inserts are custom-made to fit inside your shoes, providing the cushioning, support and shock absorption your feet and bunion need to make walking more comfortable.

Use a bunion splint 

While this option may not work for everyone you may want to try out a bunion splint to see if it provides you with relief. Again, like shoe inserts, they will not correct the deformity but the splint can at least temporarily realign the deformed joint to take pressure off the area. Many people wear a bunion splint at night before bed to reduce morning aches and pains.

Five Cities Foot and Ankle in Pismo Beach and Santa Maria, CA, is here to help you treat and manage your bunion to prevent it from getting worse. If you think you might have a bunion then call our office today at (805) 481-9100 to schedule an evaluation.

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