
How To Prevent Ankle Pain

Suffering from ankle pain? Dr. Brian O’Carroll, Dr. Byron Collier, and Dr. Steve Clark at Five Cities Foot & Ankle in Santa Maria and Pismo Beach, CA.

5 Tips for Preventing Ankle Pain

Ankle pain can be due to many things, including arthritis. However, most pain comes from overuse, an injury, or a similar issue. The good news is that you can avoid most pain associated with such issues with just a few tips. Dr. O’Carroll, Dr. Collier, Dr. Clark, and the team at Five Cities Foot & Ankle in Santa Maria and Pismo Beach, CA share some of the most important tips below. 

1. Strengthen Your Ankles 

Weak ankles become injured much more easily. Additionally, when your ankles are weak, it can cause you to overcompensate in other areas of the feet and lower legs. This can also lead to pain. Weakness can also impact balance, which can increase your chances of injury. 

In short, weak ankles can lead to trouble, so it’s important to strengthen them. Our team can guide you through exercises and stretches to help.

2. Warm Up and Cool Down 

Whether you’re focusing on building your ankles, following a simple home workout for health, or you’re training for a marathon, you have to be careful. Always warm up before exercise and take the time to cool down and stretch afterward. 

3. Go Slow 

Do not dive into any workout headfirst. Instead, you want to build up to it. Otherwise, you are setting yourself up for pain and injury. Start slow and build up over time. 

4. Pay Attention to Yourself 

Pain is not normal. It’s your body’s way of saying something isn’t right. It might be due to fatigue, overuse, an injury, or another condition. Regardless, it simply isn’t something that should be happening. Therefore, when you do feel pain, try the RICE method (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) and take a break. If the pain continues, see your foot and ankle specialist as soon as possible. 

5. Be Picky With Your Shoes 

Your shoes can have a major impact on your ankles. You can prevent or reduce pain by choosing shoes that fit properly and have the right level of support. Custom orthotics are available that are made specifically for your foot structure. 

Be sure your athletic shoes are designed for your sport. And when your shoes begin to wear out, replace them. 

Dr. O’Carroll, Dr. Collier, Dr. Clark, and our team at Five Cities Foot & Ankle can help you with personalized care and tips for preventing ankle pain. Schedule an appointment at our Pismo Beach, CA office or Santa Maria, CA office at (805) 481-9100.

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